Hot mess


So here is my back story...and I apologize now for it being long...but we're talking years and at first I assumed I wasn't alone in this...but I've read through so many stories on all kinds of groups and boards, and nobody is coming close to my situation, nor have any suggestions.

I've always been irregular and a heavy bleeder. Ive been on some form of BC since thr 6th grade and I'm 32 now.

Hubs and I started ttc about 3 years ago. I was on the pill. I had stopped the pill after my pack was done in November...we waited a month before really trying...nothing happened for the first 6 months. So I went to my obgyn. He started a series of tests to see what was going on. Nothing out of the ordinary showed up. So we started tracking my days, fertile, not fertile, cm, temp, etc.

He ordered me an HSG...that procedure to see if my tubes were clear....they were...that wasn't fun...but I made it.

Still nothing for a few more months. He put me on clomid, 4 rounds and only once did we see a dominant egg ( and that was a few days past that "window" to have the ultrasound.

So then my period stopped coming..negative tests...and it didn't come, and it didn't come...3 months..then he put me on a drug to start it...then I couldn't stop for weeks to the point I was so anemic I was close to being he ordered and D&C in October uterus was creating a lining, over and over, but never shedding it. After the D&C...I was like clock work...I knew to the hour when I was going to start...first time in my life I was that April my period started getting later and July I was bleeding non-stop. Several weeks of a solid heavy flow...he finally got me to stop with that point...I just said enough for a while....I was about $5,000 in debt from all the ultrasounds, drugs, procedures, etc. We got the hubs tested too during this time. He close to being that was an eye opener..but obgyn said he still has a chance.

I didn't have a period for a few months...then out of the blue, I started up again...and I bled and bled and bled... at 12 solid weeks of heavy bleeding, with leaking, I was in the ER anemic, exhausted, ready to be done. The next week, I went in for D&C #2. I bleed for another 2 weeks after...and then he put me on the pill (my choice). By this point my emotions were mess, I was exhausted, I was so sick of having to wear and carry pads/tampons/undies 24/7...

I bled through my first pill pack...3 weeks in I called the obgyn, and he said let's just see how it goes with skipping the placebo pills for the next 4 months...then he said he doesn't know if I'm I'm on month 3...January I go back to him to see what he thinks, I didn't get a period last month. End of November, I was getting g pregnancy symptoms...but a negative test as of last week...for about 2 weeks I've had some off an on symptoms....very confusing.

I'm just at a loss...I have no idea what is wrong with me...this obgyn is my 3rd doctor... I'm racking up bills with no answers.

Has anybody gone through this? Or does anybody have suggestions on what to do next?