im definitely crazy I know

I feel like I'm the only one that sometimes gets pissed because I feel like guys have it better. I have a boyfriend and I love him more than anything, but tonight I was talking about how much pain I was in because of my new bc and my periods and he said "yeah I got really lucky being a guy, sorry you have to deal with that" and for some reason I got so pissed. I've been dating him for 9 months and he's always been super compassionate about me being in pain. I just get so mad sometimes because I always feel disgusting and I have cramps 2 and a half weeks out of every month and I take bc so I don't get pregnant and the hormones make my whole body ache sometimes. And I'm so emotionally unstable and wanna cry all the time. I've done everything I can to help myself and nothing works. The doctors have changed my bc to try and see if it's messing with my body but they don't know. I know it could be a lot worse, but I honestly feel like guys have it so much better than us. Ugh. I just needed to rant. I'm really upset for some reason.