One twin in the NICU one twin still in mommy's belly

I went into preterm labor and delivered my son Walt (twin a) at 25 weeks 0 days on 11/29 all things consider he is doing well & stable but its so scary. His brother Sawyer (twin b) is still in my belly they were able to stop my labor and since they were di/di twins meaning they have their own sacs and placenta they were able to leave him in. We are on day 6 they don't know how long he will stay in could be weeks could change in an hour they are just monitoring me for signs of infections and of course baby's fluid & heart rate etc. So I'm on hospital bed rest until he comes. I also have a 17month old daughter at home and being away from her is killing me.I apologize for the lengthy story just looking for support from some mommy's that can understand.