Taking baby aspirin while pregnant??

Ladies i could really use some advice if possible please. I just had my second loss at the beginning of november along with a d&c. Dr had me on metformin and progesterone due to my pcos. Last year i had a blighted ovum and this year was a missed miscarriage. I had got to see the babys heart beating then shortly i found out the baby passed away. Next time around dr wants to put me on low dose baby aspirin. I asked her if the pcos is the cause of the losses she doesnt feel the pcos is to much of an issue for me. Its fairly mild and under control. Have any of you had something similar happen and took the baby aspirin and if so did you go on to have a successful pregnancy?? Also how does the baby aspirin help? Sorry so many questions im just so scared and heart broken and trying to find alittle hope.