My family hates him

Lily.2709 • Just looking for food, and advice.👌😛
Okay so I've been dating this guy on and off its really complicated i met him three years ago and we started dating like two weeks after we met, but we weren't official anyways he wasn't allowed to date ( still isn't) neither am I. The first time we broke uo it was because his parents found and then my dad found i cried so much in front of my dad because he was my first boyfriend and first kiss. Anyways we got back together we dated for 8 months and then we broke up again well i left him because i had so many doubts and i hate myself for that. One month later we get back together same old same old. But the thing is that i went out with this guy for like five days, but then he meets this girl and I hated her so much still do. Well he tried to touch her, and that girl told her mom, and then my school found out what happened with me and him, and that girl. Anyways he got suspended for a month me only for 4 days because he forced me to basciall touch him when he was just leading me there. Any who we got back together like just recently during the summer, but he was dating this girl he broke up with her because of me. He also touched her said the same things he said to the other and me. So idk what to do now We've been dating for 6 months now, and i lost my virginity to him well we both lost it to each other. So idk what to so my family says ( he's a rapist, Bad guy) his X told me that he also forced her to let him touch him, and to forcefully do things she didn't want to. I just don't know i want to do the right thing.