Feeling disconnected from husband


This first year of being parents is really hard on my marriage. Or maybe more so just on me.

Disclaimer: I LOVE my baby.

I just miss how my relationship was with my husband before all of this. We aren't giving up on each other. But I feel like that spark we had is going out. He is an incredible guy and I know he loves me. But where is that spark that I miss so much?

Lately after I have put my dear baby to bed and have said goodnight to my husband, I lie awake next to him wondering what our marriage will look like later on in life... Will there be love? Will there be anything exciting left between just us ever again? Am I a selfish mother for having these thoughts? Is this just immaturity at midnight?

And to the moms who have been through this before, how long does it take to get the spark back and to feel like yourself again? Does it ever really happen? Or do I just learn to be a new and different person? And if so, how do I put "her" on?