sometimes women can be so mean!!

I am 27 going to be turning 28 in a couple months. My boyfriend just turned 29 a few days ago. We have been together 6 months this coming weekend and have started to discuss our futur plans. When my lease is up in 6 months we are buying a house together.  He is very stable as far as a job goes and so a I.  We want to have kids soon too, as my age is getting up there. I was telling the girls at work about me wanting to have children with him. They did not react how I thought they would! They started saying things like "don't you want to be married first?" "Why doesnt he have kids already? There must be something wrong with him if he's never been in a relationship serious enough for kids" and of course there was a comments about his race "doesn't he want to stick with his own people? Usually Asians don't date other races. Are you sure he wants to be with you?" 
I love this man with my whole heart. We have fell in love so deep. Is it really that bad we never have been in love before and we are a lot older? He is very old school and has only had 2 partners/ relationships before me. He takes sex and relationships very seriously. Am I suppose to feel bad about this??? I need some encouragement because I'm feeling really upset right now. I don't think I have to be married just because I want children... I don't want to rush into marriage.