Abuse or frustration?

I will try to make this short.
Married to husband 2 years. 5 month old baby girl. 
When we argue, I tell him I need space to think/collect my thoughts first so I can calmly talk about things. I've asked him for this many, many times, but he refuses. Says he needs to talk right then and there. If I go to another room to get space, he follows me, pushes the door open as I try to shut it, and yells. The other day he was holding our baby as he screamed across the house at me, cussing and calling me names. 
I told him before we had our daughter that we would not be yelling in front of her because I grew up with that and I know how it affects a child. He says, "disagreements are normal. My parents yelled at each other and they're fine."
Tonight I accidentally kicked over a glass he left on the floor and it broke. I was mad because I've asked him numerous times to put it on the table so it wouldn't break (it's the main floor where our daughter plays). He said, "maybe you should watch where you're walking!" I called him an asshole for saying that (I know - not cool on my part) and as I was trying to move the rug he forcefully grabbed my arm to stop me (first time he's done anything like that). 
He knows how my dad treated me growing up and I don't tolerate violence or emotional abuse, especially with a child in the house. He's now apologizing as usual, but I'm ready to pack my bags. 
Am I overreacting or is this how it starts? I refuse to let my daughter grow up in a household like this. 
(I've suggested counseling- he laughs at the idea).