is this serious?

Alexis • 25. 🐶 Stella Isabella is my baby 🐶 I love my wonderful man. Favorite season is crawfish season #thebootstate
Okay so for the last few days I've felt the constant need to pee. So I would and it would never be a lot and it didn't really hurt or burn it just felt...weird you could say, at the end. Well today I noticed twice, and only twice and it was like an hour or two between, a tiny bit of pink on the paper. Now the first time it was so light I had to double take. It was like barely visible but I could see it. The next time the pink was more like a hot lookin or maybe just kinda bright pink ( that's the closest I can get to the correct shade ) and it was like maybe the size of a dime. Both times there was nothing in the toilet. It was just like clear water ( one of those times I did legit have to pee so ). I figured it might be a uti but I've been constipated for like a week and half, almost two. It doesn't hurt I just don't have the urge to go. So part of me thinks it could be due the lack of bowel movements though I've never heard of anyone bleeding from their vag because of it. I want to go to the doctor but I've already been twice in the last like month due to a painful muscle pull in my neck and back, and then because I woke up super dizzy and my world kept spinning even with my eyes closed. Now our hospital in my town isn't the best and the next one is half an hour drive and atm my truck needs new wheel bearings and I have no way to it. But I was going to see if anyone else thought it was serious enough for me to go to the doctor here or just maybe drink some cranberry juice and take some azo pills. Opinions?