
Hi guys just jumped on to give an update for those of you who don't know I'm pregnant with twin boys I went in pre term labor twice and 30 and 34 weeks and I had my labor stopped well for the past 2 weeks I have been 3cm dilated and 90%effaced I was supposed get induced on week 37 if I made it that long well guess what I'm 37 weeks today and not getting induced. Last week at my doctor's appointment my doctor was amazed that I'm still pregnant with twins that he want to see how far I can carry them so he is not going to induce me....... OK first of all I have been in slow labor for a long time I have contractions every day for the past month that I am use to them I can barely walk due to the pressure of the twins i been lost my mucus plug but no bloody show or no water breaking. I think my doctor is experimenting with me and I don't like it one bit I have a doctor's appointment this Thursday and I will be letting my doctor know I'm not a damn experiment I can't go any longer. Any advice ladies I'm so miserable😧😧😧