6 weeks and miscarriage happened

I cannot believe how much can happen in a week from being high and finding out we were 2-3 weeks pregnant on Wednesday to do discovering I had miscarried only a few days later.
Although my test says 2-3 weeks I was actually just boardering 6 weeks and to say we were over the moon is an understatement.
When we found out I started to feel different and in a matter of days it all changed.
By the Sunday evening I started to bleed and then never really stopped. It worried myself and my husband so we took a test and it said 1 -2 weeks pregnant which frightened the life out of us as the 3 before pre - bleeding ALL said 2 -3 weeks.
The signs and changes of pregnancy stopped so deep down I knew what was happening.
On the Monday we went to the doctors and they referred us to hospital but we couldn't sit around as this appointment could take 1 -2 weeks so on the Tuesday we went to hospital and their pretty much confirmed it was a miscarriage. I didn't anticipate that I would be as upset and lost as I am feeling right now.