Early Morning Chronicles


Sooo, yesterday was a hard day... well at least a rough morning. I'm 5w 5days, and this is my first baby. I woke up around 5ish yesterday morning, going to pee as usual. Well with that I had some pain in my left side. Kinda thought it was a gas bubble but I wasn't sure. All I know is that when I got back in bed the pain got worse. I woke my husband up bc at this point I was crying. I felt something was wrong but still assumed it was gas. The pain was just different. Well anyways, as he tried to calm me down I decided to try and use the restroom again. Thinking maybe I'm just constipated. As soon as I tried to get out of bed, I got this sharp pain straight through my belly & I passed out from the pain. (And I have a history of passing out, no biggie)😂 But with all that being said, I was in the ER for hours but I was able to get a sneak peak of our baby (Our first appt isn't til the 12th) It really put me at ease bc I was so scared. But the baby is in the right spot & although it's too early to hear the heartbeat we were able to see the pulsing. Words couldn't describe that moment and I am just so thankful that we're ok.

I'd love to hear from you ladies on some advice and encouragement. It is my first baby and I've nevwr been pregnant. I'm just really nervous, scared, and excited and its all starting to hit me.