How do my chances look?! Based off calendar and symptoms!

Kortney • Hopeful soon to be mommy
1 DPO: Acne, Backache, Headache and Pelvic Pain (Leftover ovulation symptoms?!) 
2 DPO: Creamy CM with a headache and acne
3 DPO: Forgot to log this day 
4 DPO: CM was creamy with backache and headaches
5 DPO: Acne, Backache, Bloating and Headaches
6 DPO: Acne, Backache and Headache
7 DPO: Acne, Backache, Bleeding Gums, Bloating, Cramps, Fatigue, Headaches, Migraines, Sore Breasts
8 DPO: Acne, Backache, Bleeding Gums, Bloating, Cramps, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Fatigue, Headache, Migraine, Nausea and Sore Breasts, Light Pink Spotting
What do you think the likelihood of me being pregnant is?  

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