My dog is an asshole

Yes you read that right. My dog is such a dick 😂 Y'all I have been caring for orphaned baby kangaroo mice and all have died but one. Every 2 hours I'm up feeding him & stimulating him to potty - EVEN THROUGH THE NIGHT - caring for this little bugger.  Of course I named him Mr Jingles. Well I finally got him to open his eyes yesterday- YIPPEE! That's a great milestone & will actually survive (says google.) He's 2-3 weeks old as well and is super active! Such a cutie.  Well I left my chiweenie - Charlie - alone for maybe 2 minutes ... came back out? Mr Jingles was gone. Except not all of him. Only half was still in his little box, this other is in the stomach of my asshole of a dog. Seriously guys I don't think I've ever been so mad in my life lol idk whether to cry or laugh because I'm so mad
Notes : Yes I get it's a mouse. Yes it was in a high box on a table- my dog apparently can climb onto it somehow with his 3 legs I still have yet to figure out how he got up there. Charlie will be one on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>, so naturally yes he's very curious. No I have no intention of harming my pet no matter how mad I am. His punishment was not a lashing with the whip, although he did get all his toys taken and put up on the fridge which to him is WAY worse than a spank. Also, no I don't truly mean he's an asshole. 
... scratch that last sentence. HE really  is an asshole 😑🐭