I want to introduce myself..

Hello all. I joined August babies today and have commented on quite a few posts. I wanted to introduce myself since we're going to be going through this together for a while now. My name is Jessica, I live in Buffalo, NY and I am 24 years old. My husband and I have been married for 3 months but have been together since high school. This will be our first child. I kind of found out on Monday at 9DPO but I wasn't more sure until yesterday. I told my husband the news this morning and he was so happy. We started trying this month after scratching our plans to wait a year after marriage. We are so excited about this and are looking forward to every aspect of this experience. We both hold full time jobs and I plan on taking a 3 month maternity leave, although I would love to be a stay at home mom. We have a 3 year old Maltese dog named Sophie. We both want 3 kids. I can't think of anything else but you can definitely ask.
Senior prom and wedding day.