Gender prediction....Just for fun and curiosity (also posted in general pregnancy)

Renae • 💙 '09....💙 '11....💔 '14.... 💔 '14....💔 '15....💔 '16....💔 '17....💜 12/12/17

So my bestie got me thinking today about what i think our little one will be. Ive got 2 boys already and would dearly love a girl but my main concern is that im able to carry to term and have a healthy baby. I found out today that when my beta was tested on monday, they also tested my progesterone due to multiple mc. Anyway my HCG came back at 790 and my progesterone came back at 124!! Thats high...especially as i was smack bang on 5wks.

Today at our weekly coffee (which i swapped to green tea) she was telling me that when she was pregnant with her DD her hcg and progesterone was sky high yet with her boys (all 3) those levels were low to mid range.

So i put it to all soon to be mommas...when you had your blood tests and got the results, where your levels high or low and did it indicate either boy or girl??