
I absolutely love reading everybody's posts and stories! Symptoms, how they found out, etc! I feel like I need a good positive story because most of what I read talks about the struggles people have and it makes me so nervous!! 
My husband and I found out because for the first couple of nights I had period like pains and I kept doing a panty check 😂 Then it was 7 days past my due period and I decided to take a test. I had a fainnnnnt pink line and I was just thinking I wanted to see it so I called it a positive 😉 I got the digital tests and it was confirmed!!! We have our first apt Jan 4, and I wish it was sooner for more confirmation. Still having period like pains but I'm sure it's from the changes happening! I love seeing the diagrams of what the baby looks like everyday!!! 
Baby dust to you all and have a happy and healthy 9 months!