Advice for younger teen moms

Tah'Ja • Jayce`s Mommy👑💙
Although some of you are further along, or may have multiple children while I'm still pregnant with my first. I have some advice being that I am 19 and having had partner issues at the beginning of my pregnancy. I've seen a lot that the fathers of your children aren't supportive, or try to make you get abortions, or just simply leave and you feel down and like it's your fault and like there's something you can do about it but the truth is you can't you can only control you and the only thing that's going to heal the situation is giving the other person time & space, not every man is going to eventually come around but in most of the cases I've seen including mine they do. Like many of you when I first told the father of my child I was pregnant. He flipped shit, blocked me on everything stopped talking to me for a while told me to get an abortion almost everyday and stopped coming around and then one moment he would be fine and the next minute he'd be trying to find a reason to say it's not his or make me get rid of it and I just ignored it and left it alone because I had my heart set on keeping my child, and eventually he came around started being supportive, started being involved in the pregnancy and being excited about the baby, fast forward to now we now have our apartment together, we attend all the doctors appointments, classes, and tours together and we're excited for our little one to arrive. Being so young it's not going to be peaches in cream in the beginning they're just as scared don't know what to do, and are just as confused but if you just give it time it'll grow on them and they'll come around. Keep your head up ladies and if you need to talk I'm always available I have snapchat, twitter, and instagram. 
SC: @badgaltt97
Instagram/Twitter: __TahJaWahja