for anyone whose having a cervical examination for the first time!

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
Hello ladies, 
Sorry for the second post in the space of 5 minutes but I've had a very eventful day today! 
So today I had my first ever cervical examination (I'm 20) and this was because I had unexplained bleeding during and after intercourse. The bleeding was heavy and had to be looked at. 
I was more than nervous as the only person to see my vagina is my SO. The doctor I had was female and very lovely about the whole situation. She explained what they would do which is: 
-undress your bottom half 
- lie down on the bed
- use a sheet to cover your bottom half whilst she enters the cubicle 
- put your feet together and as high up to your vagina/bum as you can 
- open your legs as far as you can whilst keeping your feet together. 
Now, the key is to relax. Easier said than done but if you don't relax it will hurt/ be more uncomfortable. 
You can speak to your doctor whilst they are doing it if it makes you comfortable or you can just sit there on your phone! 
They will insert the 'clamp' the thing that looks like a beak which honestly isn't big at all if you've ever been with a man with some girth. It will have cold jelly on so be prepared for this! Once it's in it will open up slightly and that might be the part that has an odd sensation! Personally I found it absolutely fine. I had no pain and little to no discomfort. I had a swab taken which is basically the same as if you've ever taken a chlamydia test! Once finished she'll leave the cubicle and you can et dressed. I took a shower before I went and made sure I had a pad with me incase I bled. 
I was so pleasantly surprised with how well it went and just want to share my experience with anyone who might be having one and is scared or unsure as to what happens. I know this won't be much use to the women who have already been through it but I hope it helps someone! Lots of love x