Pms! hormones Driving you crazy?!😤😡😩

Are you Like me Suffering from Pms? Are you Like me who didn't know you have Pms? What are some of the Symtoms you've experienced? How do you control them? Do you want to get rid of your Pms? 
I recently discover I suffer from Pms around couples days before the start of my period I was happy with the discovery I was able to self diagnose, however the revelation had me question my behavior over the past years of mylife, you see I'm a mother of a 8year old soon to be 9 year onlychild and before I had my daughter I can't recall having Pms or so I thought.... you see Pms I thought was something so obvious that it would be easily detected turns out not so much. Ever had mood swings, sadness, or Bits of rage ok maybe a lot of rage... depression or just emotional atleast once a month then you too have Pms. I discovered or relized that was my case when I was yelling uncontrollably at my daughter for something like leaving her book bag on the floor or not putting away her dirty plate in the sink, you see, for me I always felt Bad afterwards after I cry or yell and deep down I would think what's wrong with me? I even had thoughts of suicide...:/ but after just months of feeling like my body is on this emotional roller coaster I finally was able to put 2&2 together all these feeling accuse just before the unset of my period... Omg! I have Pms!!! It felt good to know what I was going through had a name, now the problem was how do I fix it? How do I control my Harmones? Why do these increase in harmones have me " messed up" How do I explain this to my child. I discover that it takes a lot of self control and 💦 water to help my Pms. So I want share with everyone who is going through similar if not the same symtoms I experience put down the soda and artificial drinks and drink water! I'm serious your body will thank you tremendously try to drink as much as a Gallon a day. Also red fruits high in antioxidants. Try it let me know how it works for you. The next time you feel an angry 😡 outburst or an emotional 😭 trip coming on think of drinking water. ☺️ water who likes the taste of it it's so tasteless... lol 😅😏☺️🙏🏾