Am I overreacting??

Dating this guy, it's only been alittle bit over 2months i like him alot. We've gone out on two awesome dates, sucks cause we don't get to see eachother alot (we're both very busy).

Anyway, it's all sad and kinda boring now. I mean he was fun and great to talk to before we started dating and i think it's cause it was to get me to like him and alla that but now that we are dating it's just blehh. I tried talking to him about it but he was like "he'll do better" i don't even know what that means aand i really don't wanna seem like a nag.

Isn't this supposed to be fun? What do i do now? Break up with him? Send booby pictures?

I don't think I'm a difficult girlfriend, it's just been really different with him compared to my previous relationships.

Really long post.... Sorry🌼