I love my husband sooo much! ❤️❤️❤️


I know this isn't a question but I was going through the notes on my phone and found my draft of the letter I wrote to my husband to open the morning of our wedding ❤️ ... 

My love, 

Today is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, words cannot express how happy I am for in just a few hours I will be walking down the isle to you where we will promise our love for one another in front of our friends and family.

Five years ago I never would have believed the eighteen year old boy I met at the assembly (luckily before I embarrassed myself making dirt bike noises), would grow into the strong, handsome, hardworking and loving man you are today.

I never even dreamed that I would find someone who makes me feel the way you do; a man who makes me laugh and love without abandon, a man who even after years together still gives me butterflies and the biggest smile on my face when he walks through the door. 

Honestly Nahum I never realised I could love anyone as much as I love you.

I love you in all forms I love that we don't necessarily agree on everything even though it makes things challenging at times but it also opens up the opportunity to learn from each other different views and values throughout our lifetime together. I adore your greeney blue eyes, the warmth of your hands and the way you listen to my crazy ideas and being there to catch me when I fall...quite often literally.

I love that over the past five years I have never faced life's challenges without your unconditional love. Even on the days when I have struggled, when the future seemed uncertain, not once did I walk alone. 

Nahum, you are the reason I fight so incredibly hard to be the best person I can be. You give me a reason to make every single day better than the last. You have shown me what it means to live and love and to give my heart fully. 

You have breathed life and inspiration into this little piece of universe, my world and have helped me to grow into the woman I am today. 

I know that we will look back on today as the beginning of a journey..challenging at times, but a incredible journey nonetheless. 

I promise to always be your best friend you have come to love over these past years, you are my everything and I can't wait to call you my husband! 

With love, hugs and kisses and the promise of a lifetime together

Forever and Always 

Your Future Wife

The almost Mrs Maxine Morris <4