Boyfriend almost never makes plans with me

I don't know if "venting" is an appropriate post to go under "Love and Sex," but it is about my boyfriend, so whatevs. 

So on a Tuesday night my boyfriend calls me after he gets off work at like 8:00 p.m. We chat as usual, and I bring up the fact that he hasn't asked me to do anything with him recently. It's an issue we've already talked about that I feel like he doesn't put enough effort into planning any dates. He works the lamest shifts ever (like 11:00-8:00, leaving no room either in the morning or evening for us to spend time together). We also live about 50 minutes away from each other, and with his work schedule it's usually me driving to his city so there's not lost time of him having to drive to me, further depleting our potential time together. This gets annoying after a while and it's very romantic meeting him at his house in his work clothes and waiting for him to shower and dress and yadda yadda before we can FINALLY spend time together, which at this point it's usually about 9:30.

So this particular night boyfriend offers to come to my place and have a late dinner, and I get a little excited. My only free day happened to be the very next day, today, in which I am waiting for my boyfriend to come right now. When he got off work he told me he was sick with a cold and chills. I felt a little disappointed that he might cancel but being sick sucks, so I told him it's not a big deal if he'd rather stay home and recover. He says he really wants to see me (aw) and is going to come anyway. 

Later he texts me and says his parents "are really trying to convince him to stay" and "would really worry about him" if he went and he didn't know what to do. This was the point where I just started being like, WTF. 1) why are you taking advice from your parents about it when you clearly already said you were coming, like the grown-ass man you are who makes his own decisions 2) If you do plan on coming despite them, why are you telling me about it, 3) is he trying to make it his parents' fault he can't come, because I pulled that kind of crap when I stil lived with my parents to get out stuff I didn't want to do. I told him it was fine if he didn't want to come, he could just say it. He once again reiterated that he wanted to come and was going to. 

At this point I start feeling a little bitchy about it (you know that mood, ladies, when your estrogen goes into overdrive and you start thinking things like "This man never does anything special for me," even though it's not really true). I text him and I say, at this point you're not going to be here until like 10:30. Either spend the night or don't bother coming. He's off tomorrow, I work from home during the day. 

What really started ticking me off was the fact that last night he had stayed out with one of his guy friends playing video games until like 3:00 a.m. Like no wonder he got sick. This particular friend he has is leaving for his hometown on Sunday for Xmas break, so my boyfriend wanted to hang out with him before he left. That's fine. Good. Guys need guy time. But it bothers me SO SO SO much that he constantly plans our dates around when he and his friends can hang out. Like we'll be chilling together and he'll suddenly say "Oh I need to make plans with X soon" and I'm just over here never say that about me........

So he called me and is on his way, and I honestly might just go to sleep once he gets here. Like, make doable plans with me if you want to see me. Take me out before like 6 for once in our lives. Sorry you're sick but I'm not....actually really that sorry. 

Thanks for the vent.