
Do you ladies ever feel lonely and unwanted??? I have been with my S/O for 4 years now it was was great until we got custody of his son. S/O has turned his free time to the computer and plays online games with friends of his. Don't take me wrong some playing is okay but not when it takes every second that you are awake. My 2 children love him to death, but I honestly don't know how much more I can take or do. It's like I have to fight just to get 10 minutes with him. I am already in the state of severe depression and he knows this. I spend 5 of the 7 nights alone cause he works nights. Is it honestly to much to ask for, u going to bed when I do that way we can cuddle?? I have talked to him about this and he is like I get it, I'll spend more time with you and blah blah blah, which I have yet to see this happen. Just don't say pack up and leave bc I have no place to go with my children. It has gotten to the point that I have a male friend that I talk to on a daily basis just to have someone to talk to. Yes there are times where I wish the friend could cuddle with me. I am beyond the point of throwing in the towel and saying f*** all of it and go away and never come back. I cry my self to sleep on the nights that he is home or end up sleeping some where else n the house just bc I feel like chopped liver. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭