ovulation 6 weeks after birth?

This is my second child, and I remember around 10 weeks I got as I am only describe as egg white discharge after everything had settled after having my son. But I was straight back on the pill which I have no periods a month.. so no period followed.
Well I'm nearly 7 weeks after the birth of my daughter and the past week I've noticed not every day a jelly like mucus it has been tinged with like old blood as I was still spotting and getting rid of the bits after birth as it was settling down a lot quicker than my first. Mainly it's just discharge almost the same as when I gathered it was ovulation or close to it..
Thing is I haven't started my pill yet as I've had blood thinning medication after the section of my daughter injections for 6 ish weeks then to start my pill. 
My partner and I have had sex twice recently with condom no issues, had foreplay where he did tease without condom but did not enter. 
I really don't want to be pregnant again! Well not so soon as you could gather.
Is this signs of ovulation?