confused, happy, nervous?

I had a miscarriage that started 11/28, it was fast and I was only 5 weeks along but I think the baby stopped growing much sooner than that because when I got my HCG levels checked they were only a 4. My husband and I started having sex again after I was done bleeding. I got a yeast infection before I found out I was pregnant, it was too soon for my test to be positive. So, I'm suspecting I ovulated 10 days after the start of my miscarriage (12/7) and had implantation bleeding 6 DPO (12/13) and the last few days since the implantation bleeding I've felt a yeast infection coming on, and today and I have slight itchiness, discharge, and burning when I pee (sorry for TMI) glow says I'm ovulating now. My question is, has anyone else every gotten pregnant so soon after a miscarriage? I don't have any other symptoms besides the suspected yeast infection. Could I have ovulated early? Last time I got pregnant we had sex often so idk when exactly I got pregnant because I never had a scan I just based it off my LMP. I've tested but they were negative, I think it's too soon because my period isn't expected until 12/30