disappointed at dr. appointment :(

I have been looking forward to today for weeks! My doctors appointment was this morning and we were so excited to see the baby again. Husband took the morning off from work and 3 and a half year old son kept talking about seeing "his" baby haha. We get to the doctors, get checked in, wait, I go take my iron test, wait more, then they come get us and take us back into a room..... that doesn't have the ultrasound machine in it. So I ask the nurse, oh I thought this was an ultrasound appointment.. she said no it's just a regular OB appointment and they won't do an ultrasound for 4 more weeks. She left the room and I look over at my husband who is sitting in a chair with our son on his lap and I start to tear up. I had to look up and think to myself it will be ok (damn hormones) husband was disappointed too. We were planning on using a new picture from today in our baby reveal to everyone for Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>. Doctor came in and did the doer, at least we were able to hear it and she didn't think anything bad. I did get my RH gam shot today though since I had a little bleeding on Monday. Anyway, I'm thankful that the appointment went on, but I'm a little heartbroken that I don't get the reassurance that that gorgeous black and white little image gives you :/ looks like I'll be waiting 4 more weeks, thanks insurance haha. 14 weeks today :)