Am I the only one not getting an ultrasound at 6 or 7 weeks?

I work at a hospital and I have insurance through them so it's cheaper to deliver where I work, so naturally I go to the OB that is affiliated with my hospital. I'm 6 weeks today and my first appointment is December 27th. And all that consists of is paperwork and a blood test. I'll be 7 weeks. I won't get an ultrasound until my 2nd or 3rd appointment. But people I know who go to the surrounding counties facilities and everybody on glow seems to have already had an ultrasound by 6 or 7 weeks! And no my hospital isn't a rinky dink small hospital. It's actually a pretty big organization and we have 5 or 6 different hospital locations in the state of North Carolina and basically every doctors office in the county is affiliated with our system. My OB just doesn't do the ultrasound this early. And it's so hard to get appointments there because they're always so booked. I called December 8th and the 27th is the earliest they could see me. And for regular exams for non-pregnant women, you have to book 3 or more months in advance. And it makes me want to switch doctors... but it's convenient having my OB right next to my work, and labor and delivery costs will be cheaper if I stay here. But I just want a dang ultrasound! Do you think it would be ideal to ASK if I could have one earlier?