What does this dream mean?

Kendra • Find your own happiness. Don't do what others expect of you. ~Baby Dust~
I had a dream that I was running around a hilly town with a duck trying to throw it into car windows then succeeded and won a modernly designed stark white house but then my husband disentigrated and I wore the duck as a hat and it started talking in my husband's voice and then I had sex with my two soon to be roommates because I got lonely with my duck hat husband. I then found myself being chased by my father through a very thin hallway to the point I had to run sideways that was made out of plywood but I somehow knew I was in one of those maze games that you get in kids meals where you had to roll the ball in the hole and the walls were made of wood and the sky was white. He was chasing me with blades and then when he stabbed me I woke up laying across a forklift my husband and dad were driving and I got up and ran away landed in Walmart and was checking out a whole shopping cart of babies. I then had a dream that I was having twins in my dream and I woke up to be on the ultrasound table where I was seeing twins and then I woke up for real.