Miss Motor Mouth

Okay, so I need some girl help. 
I'm pretty new to the dating world. It's something I've started this year. 
Before this year, I lacked a lot of self confidence and was never able to see myself as someone that anyone should notice.
I'm mostly focusing on having fun, which I know is the most important part, but sometimes I still overthink when after a little bit of time, things go nowhere. 
My biggest insecurity is my motor mouth.
I babble. Incessantly.
My family is encouraging. Why would they create females on television that have the same awkward charm if it wasn't beautiful, right? 
But, it's still hard. How am I supposed to accept something that makes me feel like when I suddenly blurt, "Wow, huh, my fingers smell funny. It must have to do with my cat sneezing on me earlier." Everyone in the room...freezes.