Insecure About My Pregnancy Body

I'm 36 weeks pregnant and I don't look huge for how far along I am, but my baby is 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I seriously can not stand going out in public right now. I have never been a socially awkward person and never minded going out in public - until I got pregnant. I don't like people looking at my belly. I get insecure when people comment about my size. My belly isn't big because I'm 5' 9" and was 136 pounds when I found out I was pregnant. One guy told me "You look like a beach ball nailed to a pole". Not necessarily the meanest thing someone could say, but I don't like hearing those things. I honestly hate being pregnant for the fact that I'm already insecure about how I look. Then people's comments about how I look do not help. My dad even said the other day to me, "This is the fattest you've ever been" and "Been drinking too much beer? Look at that gut!". Again. I'm already insecure about how I feel. Why add to it? I'm also not a sensitive person, until it comes to my appearance. I have been trying to avoid public or even social events as much as possible until baby gets here. I literally only go to work and the doctor. That's it. Has anyone else ever felt this way?