Father of Baby

does nobody else agree that just because a man got you pregnant doesn't mean he should automatically be in the babies life? he hasn't boughten anything the whole pregnancy or really been involved in her growing inside me, he doesn't seem to care about her whatsoever, he's already whoring it up out there with other women, the only thing he seems to want with her when she is born is to have her as an accessory and borrow her whenever he please and not do any work emotionally or physically or financially. the appointments for her had to made when he's available otherwise he wouldn't go when the secretary's scheduled them. there's just so many reasons why he doesn't and shouldn't need to be around but everyone saying that fathers aren't easy to find which is true but my daughter doesn't need a shitty father figure. I rather it be me and her till the right one comes along which he will.. im tired of everyone saying im wrong when he's the damn loser!!