Can anyone help me?

I'm worried, I have always had irregular period but there was a regularity in it irregularity 😅 okey..  so the flow was always the same but it was every other month... but for about 4 years it started to change to every months some times.. then the flow started to change to... some times a really heavy flow some times almost non existent... and the days varied ... one time I had my period for about 2 weeks... I thought it was stress (I'm an architecture student ) but right now my period is more like spotting and rarely I have some light flow. I went to the doctors and I did some test everything is normal there's testosterone is slightly high but just like two numbers  or something and I don't have cysts. A side from this I have extra hair in my chin, neck, lower belly and in between my boobs, some skin tags, I have gain weight and is really difficult to maintain the weight I already have, some times my breast are sore for weeks before I get my period, some times I feel quite odd. Btw the doctor never told me what was wrong he only have gave me some pills to get my period because I was around 2 weeks late and told me to go when I got it so he could give me some pills to regulate it. (I have drinking pills in general so the idea was horrifying plus the first pills felt horrible in my body. Hated how I felt everyday I took it and was around 10 days taking it before my period started but I couldn't go to the doctors do to finals week. What you guys think I have?