My heart is broken..đź’” breastfeeding struggles...

Mariah • Wife❤ Mommy of a boy❤

So we took our son Declan to his 2 month appointment December 8th. Well they put him on the scale and weighed him when the nurse said his weight, I looked at her and said he's lost weight. So I didn't think anything of it, he had only lost a couple of ounces since his last visit with the doctor. After the shots and talking with the doctor they were going to pull us in his office and talk about his visit. Well he tells us when our son was first born he was gaining weight quick and doing really well, Declan hasn't gained as much as he had hoped between visits he had only gained 2lb and 11oz I think. Which in other words its in the range that are suppose to gain but its on the low end and in the short term of things he wasn't on the great pace he was as a newborn. So we got sent to lactation specialist straight after our appointment and she watched him breast feed and asked me and my husband a few questions. I don't have enough milk supply to fill up my son. It devastated me, I felt like what kind of mother can't feed her son?! I cried. At this point my heart was broken. So since then we are suppose to supplement formula every other feeding with breast milk. But it just seems to have gotten worse he won't hardly take to my breast. They're just isn't enough. It breaks my heart to watch my son cry while I'm trying to breast feed him because he is still hungry and mommy can't give him what he needs. For a few days I have been struggling with continuing breastfeeding him or just completely swapping him to formula. It has made me so depressed. I hate this! I'm just completely heart broken I want the best for my son. I just can't take seeing him scream and seeing him so hungry.

Sorry this is so long. I just needed to vent. Thank you to all who read this all the way through. Please no harsh comments. I should we had to take him back to the lactation specialist and he had gained 1lb in less than week with formula.