need to vent so bad!!!

So I had sex with an old flame. That happened 8-10 ish years ago and we had sex last Thursday and that was the 4th time. Well... we did anal and he was fingering me there and there was just a little to barely any shit there (I know embarrassing) I've been so embarrassed.. well I have him on Facebook and I uploaded a picture today and he said hey to me through a text and I texted back well he never texted me back. Thursday night he only sent me 2 messages never texted back, Friday he sent me 3 messages never texted back, Saturday and Sunday he didn't text me at all. I don't know what is going on. I changed my number so I doubt he'll ask for it. Maybe I'm being crazy. But I hope i didn't do anything for him to feel disgusted, or uncomfortable!!! I don't wanna text him or anything because when I do he don't text back. What should I do????  We like each other. (Well so he says unless he just wanted in my pants). Any advice is welcome!!! Just need to talk to someone about this.