Without Warning


It is the most nerve racking thing just waiting around for your period to start. The day before misjudging every stomach cramp or movement as the "oh no I am about to start" panic. And not to mention the awkward walking around in the grandma underwear because you're determined to be ready for the war zone blood shed that's getting ready to start.  And then the cherry on top is  it's the "day of" and it's 10pm and... you still haven't started which means in hide sight. You could've put on those cute cheeky underwear under those tight in all the right places jeans. You know the ones! But no, you didn't do that! You wore the most grandma and fabric filled underwear you had and some sweats that have definitely had way better days. All that just to probably have your period start in the middle of the night when you're actually having a great night sleep.