
Hi ladies, so last month I was suppose to start my af on the 20th... on the 17th I got a very faint positives so I took five more between 2 days and they was all faint well on the well on the 19th I got a first response test that said yes or no well it came back yes. Me and my husband was so excited. That following Monday which was the 21st I went to my local health department and they did a test and it came out positive but was faint. Made my obgyn appointment right after I left.. well on thanksgiving night I started bleeding heavy bleeding with cramps went to the er and they said my pregnancy test came back that I had a miscarriage. Well the following Monday I called my obgyn and talked to a nurse and she said I probably had a chemical pregnancy. The bleeding last like a period just much heavier. Well Sunday the 18th I took a pregnancy test I was 10 do I got a faint positive so I thought the test could have messed up so I took another one that night and it was faint positive. Took one yesterday morning with first urine and it was also faint positive. I took one last night and it also was faint positive but was a little darker. I am so scared that I'm going to have a chemical pregnancy all over again. My breast hurt when u touch them and I have had a headache for two days now I'm suppose to start my af Thursday the 22nd. Has this happen to anybody??? The picture is the second test I took.