I went into preterm labor at 24 weeks

Anne 💙💙💙 • Mom to 3 boys. August 2015, December 2016, December 2018
I went into preterm labor at 24 weeks. They were able to stop the labor. Last week I had a lot of contractions so I went to L&D. I was 4cm and 80% effaced. I stalled so they sent me home. On 12/19 I had a dr appt at 3:45. She checked my cervix and I was exactly the same. I went home and had a few pretty powerful contractions but nothing consistent. My husband was making me dinner when he told me to come make my plate. When I stood up there was a massive gush. I got to the hospital where I was 6cm and 90%. I was taken back for a c section due to just having one 8/2015 with our first. Mr. Elijah was born at 10:40pm weighing 7lbs 2oz 20in long at 35 weeks 6 days.