Birth Story

I was due on the 10th and hadn't had any contractions, even Braxton Hicks. So my hubby and I went out for a fabulous meal. The next morning at 8:20am I felt a gush of liquid and it was clear. I thought it was my water breaking but it stopped, so hubby and I made preparations to go to the hospital. I was in no hurry and we arrived there at 11:30. By then, I was sure my water had broken but had no contractions. They made me stay in bed and get an IV while I waited for the doctor. I was disgruntled because there was no reason for me to remain bed-ridden and I knew that if I had to get pitocin I'd probably be in bed for a long time. When the doctor came she let me walk around for an hour and have clear liquids before we started the pitocin. During my many laps around the maternity floor, contractions started regularly but painlessly. At 4pm I started a low dose of pitocin. At 5:30pm I was still only 3cm and I got a dose of stadol, figuring I'd be there for a long time. By 6:45 the stadol had worn off and my contractions got crazy. I felt like something was way different and that I had to push. The nurses, going through their change of shift, checked my cervix mostly to shut me up. The new nurse was like um, there's no cervix left, go get the doctor. I was pretty sure that meant that I missed the epidural window and panicked. I asked the nurse if there were any drugs available (no) and had just enough time to get my hair tied back and for them to take apart the bed. 5 horrific contractions and 20 minutes later Louis was born. I was so relieved that he was out that I didn't process the "it's a boy" excitement that everyone else was dealing with. It took longer to stitch me up afterwards than it did to have him. Lots of interior stitches. Thankfully our little guy is happy and healthy. We were alone in the hospital and my parents took care of us once we got home. I highly recommend having the nurses take the baby at night and just bring him in to be fed. I got way better sleep not freaking out at every little noise he made. I also highly recommend pre-ordering a donut pillow for when you get home. I'm still struggling to sit when I breastfeed because of all my stitches. Good luck ladies!!