Early labor 35w 3D

Jennifer • 27✨Proud mommy of my rainbow baby BOY {Jan 9, 2017} & Angel baby {June 2015} 💗👼🏼💙
So I work as a nurse in the ICU and happened to be working last night. I've been having regular contractions for weeks but no cervical change. I started contracting more, closer together, and stronger overnight before I decided to get checked out. I'm currently in L&D, IV started, fluids going, contracting every 4-6min, and 3cm dilated! They're monitoring right now but plan to do another cervical check soon to see if there's any change. If so, I'll be admitted and be having a baby today! 😳 I'm in shock, I can't believe it!! I'm also super nervous since it's still so early!