Calling all "ugly vaginas"

Hey guys just wanted to share a little something with you.

My whole life I've been very insecure about my vagina. One of my labia minora is way longer than the other and its very noticeable since it sticks out of my labia majora. Ive always hate it but it never really held me back from having sex- it was always a thought in the back of my mind. So me and my ugly vagina were having sex with my boyfriend last night and as he was fingering me he kept telling me how "pretty my pussy was" and shit like that.

It made me feel amazing bc no one has ever said anything like it. I actually had a guy tell me my vagina looked used, I know fucked up.

But I made this post for all the girls with "ugly vaginas" that are insecure about them if you find a good person they will think your vagina is the greatest shit ever.

So don't feel bad and dont let it hold you back!

Just wanted to share a little inspiration!