Restarting the pill

Dee • Mia Renae was born 6/29/16 at 4:20 AM, 6lbs 6oz. and 19 in. long 💜 Single, independent mommy 💪
So I restarted on birth control a few days ago for the first time in over a year. I wasn't able to start right away due to switching insurances and doctors and everything after I had my daughter about 6 months ago.
I'm starting to realize that the side effects of the pill (I've been put on sprintec this time around) are very similar to how I felt in the first trimester of pregnancy 🙄. The nausea, the headaches, some dizziness... ugh. I also can't find anything healthy to eat in this house, and sometimes I get so busy with my daughter that I forget to eat all day! So that definitely makes the side effects worse.
Really though, does anyone else find themselves laying in bed nibbling on crackers and sipping at water while on the pill??? Because I feel like I'm reliving my first 16 weeks of pregnancy 😬