Just out of it.

cierra • I'm a stay at home mom and a full time student.
So I was told last week that my little man will be here this week. That I was 2 cm and 80% effaced and that he was definitely head down. They gave me the steroids for his lungs and checked me for step b. Over the weekend I developed an absess on my labia. The pain was so bad I could barely get around. Well the doctor prescribed some kind of antibiotics and I only took one and got so sick that night I just decided not to take another my absess drained its self during the night so that pain is now minimal. Today though I have been so dizzy every time I eat or drink anything it makes it worse and I feel nauseous. I've been contracting for weeks because of my irritable uterus and I've noticed my stool has been getting looser but it's so painful to go I'm brought to tears. Now I went to the doctor yesterday and left in tears after waiting for over 2 hours only to be so rushed I felt he didn't hear anything I said. He didn't even warn me before touching the absess or checking my cervix. I felt like an object and not a person. I was contracting the whole time I was there and could barely breath or talk through them and him and his nurse seemed annoyed by it. They asked how I felt and I told them I honestly don't know that I was contracting and in pain and all he responded with was well yea you're probably contracting by this point. Like I didn't know that. But he didn't give me any time to say much else. I've got another appointment Thursday and I am praying he's not there. I end up in tears every time I see him. And I'm not a very sensitive person.