Mother In Law Rant

My mother in law has hated me since I was 16 and started seeing her son. Well she didn't hate me at first but when my parents made us not see each other and we were secretly dating she said I was using him, trying to trap him, tried to set him up. That continued until I was 18 and moved out of my abusive parents' house and in with his dad and step mom (my boyfriend lived with his mom at the time). She tried to kick me out and say now I'm really trying to trap him even though I'm on an IUD, copper. She didn't know that but when I said hey, I'm protected. We are not having sex because we are saving ourselves for marriage. She said I wouldn't need birth control if I was not having sex. I said I use it for period control and it works. That was the last conversation I had with her for a long while because that was when she kicked my then boyfriend out. Over birth control. We have been on our own, no support from either of our families. Mine was abusive, his mom was abusive, and his dad and step mom only want to be part of the family for good things, not the bad or neutral. So that brings us to my marriage. Word got around and his mother actually tried to crash our wedding and called me a whore. We cut off communication with her but when we got pregnant we told our friends. His mom once again found out and she is causing hell. I already cut off communication, he cut off communication, our friends don't even know what is going on in our lives because we don't talk about it so she doesn't find out. I'm so pissed. This is not what a "mother" acts like. She admits to only even wanting her son as a house cleaner and driver for when she goes to concerts and is drunk. Not a mother. How do I enjoy the birth of my first born like this? Stress is not good for the baby!