Don't lose hope!

Sonja • PCOS Mamma to: 👦🏼💙 Emmett 9/14/17 + 👧🏼💗 Leona 9/21/19 + 👦🏼💙 Milo 2/27/22 + 👼🏻 chemical loss 2/20/23
So I was really hoping to be able to have a Christmas miracle baby. But I took a negative pregnancy test this morning and I'm expecting my period tomorrow. This makes 9 months of trying. This was our second failed round of Letrozole + Ovidrel + timed intercourse. It's so hard to not be discouraged. I feel like I am constantly surrounded by pregnant women and babies. But I won't lose hope. I can't lose hope. I know that God has a plan. He's asked us to try to start a family. I don't know how long this path is that we have to walk. But I know that we aren't walking it alone. If you are feeling discouraged, it's okay. Have a good cry! But then pick yourself back up again and keep on walking. Prayers and thoughts to all you other ladies who are going through similar experiences right now.