Mom is one of my triggers

By triggers I don't mean in the traditional PTSD-style flashback or panic attacks sense, but in the way that it triggers a period of increased anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.
Does anyone have any good thoughts on how to combat this or help bring this up to my mom? The word isn't my issue, but the way she oftens becomes consumed by her stress and begins to rant passive-aggressively about how everything is stressing her and phrasing it in a way that places blame on everyone else, even if she says it is her own fault. She has depression and anxiety like myself but has only recently been told by her neurologist (who she is seeing due to memory issues) that she should see our psychiatrist for medication and diagnosis.
I don't know how to bring it up but this has been happening for many years now and is starting to really wear on my mental health, especially now that I am struggling to begin recovery with my therapist and medications.