mommies with babies during winter

So how are you not going stir crazy, getting cabin fever ? Etc ? 
I'm having my bundle on Friday and it's not even begun to get cold yet. Jan-march is usually when it gets super duper cold and snowy and you can't go out. Specially with a new born. I live in a modest two bedroom house, one level. So it's not like If I get sick of one part of the house I can go to the other lol I used to have a huge townhouse and it kept me busy because there was so much space and rooms and could be in a different part of the house just so I wasn't bored etc. I have a tendency to get depressed if I'm stuck in one place for a long time and idk what I'm going to do once he gets here. Can't go to the park , not taking him to stores unless I have to because it's winter and everyone is germy and I don't wanna get him out in the cold. 
How are you ladies doing? Anyone going stir crazy? How do you combat it ? Any ideas on how to keep from getting overwhelmed and sick of being in the house ? 
It's so close to time and I'm getting nervous about random things now lol