The eviction notice has been served.

Baby boy is officially evicted on Friday Dec 30 at 9 am. 💙 I've been sick so my house is a wreck. 
My daughter is needing all kinds of attention and even though she has tons of new toys for Christmas can't do or play anything by herself for some reason. 😩 I need to clean, which takes me a long time. I need to sit or lay often due to extreme pain and every 5 minuets my poor daughter is mom mom mom mom lets paint lets paint do my nails lets paint. 😫
She wants to play with the toys that I have to help her with. And I can't blame her at all I'm just so grumpy and sleepy and I really only have two days to get this house set up and cleaned and I'm the only one who can get this done. I thought by getting her an iPad,  doll houses and baby dolls and stuff that would occupy her but she played with her stuff for one day. And now she is bored and needs my constant attention. Sigh. I feel like I'm in for it when the baby's here. She is so dependent on attention and for someone to entertain her. 
I've always been super independent. From the time I was two on I was fine to play alone. 
I feel like the technologies and the fast pace of the world today has children with shorter attention spans and needing constant entertainment. I didn't mean for this to be a rant. Oooops. I'm taking a clean break and I originally just wanted to post some of the last belly pics I'll take with my son. 💙💙💋Â