wtf??? Wat do I do ??😐😢

My husband and I are expecting on feb 20th. It's been a long road for us. Most of you are from the USA. I'm Canadian and I'm assuming your laws are completely different and there's different steps and ways to do things over there. We got married March 2016 and got pregnant in May. He's so suppprtive of me and he's a father to my 2 boys from a previous relationship. He comes from Barbados, we had a bunch of court crap to deal with. Came down to Imigration Canada wants him out of the country. This is completely unfair. We are married with a family.  It breaks my heart to see little newborns and to have to think that he can't be in the country when his first son is born. It all started because when he was 19 (he will be 32 on Jan 4th) he had a gram of marijuana in his possession so they look at him as a criminal! In Canada if your caught with a gram of marijuana, you get a slap on the wrist. So why they are going so hard to make him leave?  They want him gone for 5 years!  Yes it's not forever. But too much time that he won't be able to spend with his son. My mother works in the detention centre and because I was deemed not financially stable enough to be his care giver she took on the roll. He's a good honest man and of that weren't true, she would never agree to help him. Today is the 28th and because the office was closed over the holidays, today is the first day I can go and speak with them and beg and plead for him to stay a little longer, which my lawyer has suggested. Today is also the day that they want his itinerary to go back to his country. They've given us no time to prepare for this. We have papers in the government being processed to review asking if he would be allowed to stay on compassionate grounds. But they want him to leave by Jan 15(which also happens to be the day of my baby shower😐) What do I do???  I'm angry sad upset nervous anxious. All sorts of emotions running through me making me so emotional !