Failed First IUI

Feeling pretty low. Today was results day after my first <a href="">IUI</a>. I went in this morning for my beta test and by the time I got to work, AF showed up in full force with what feels like a vengeance. 
Back to the drawing board. I called the doctors so now I'm just waiting for them to get back to me with next steps.
I know success on the first try is very rare but damn were we hopeful. Fighting tears. Just wish I was at home so my husband could give me a hug. 
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I'm sorry to hear your news. Hang on to that hope. Next round sweetie! Indulge now. Spoil yourselves. I know it's an emotional journey. I'm wishing you the very best. Good luck 🍀 and loads on baby dust your way ⭐️🌟✨💫


Miriam • Dec 29, 2016
Thank you for the kind words. My husband treated me to some wine and sushi last night so that helped. Starting our 2nd round and still optimistic.


Posted at
I'm sorry. My first IUI a couple months ago was also a FAIL. I had IUI #2 on Dec. 18th. Really hoping it worked, bc I feel like this second time around, we used different drugs and my body responded better. My RE said she wants to limit my IUI attempts to just 3 (and then I should go onto donor eggs), but I think a good argument can be made in trying additional times, since that first IUI cycle involved so much guess-work. So... I guess I'm trying to say that you should definitely not give up hope. You and your RE are going to go into your IUI #2 cycle with more knowledge. Best of luck! 🦋


Miriam • Dec 29, 2016
All the baby dust to you! I pray that this round works for you. We are starting our 2nd round now, my RE is really optimistic for this round, which makes me feel better.


Posted at
Hugs to you! I know that feeling all to well the worst is that it's at work! Now try think of positive vibes for this cycle. Best of luck to you ☺&nbsp;


Miriam • Dec 28, 2016
Thank you! ❤


Posted at
I'm sorry. Our first IUI was also a negative. I was so hopeful thinking how could this not work right? Wrong. But that's okay , keep your head up. I'm not in doing my second round of IUI and hoping this will be our turn .&nbsp;


Posted at
Thank you for sharing your experience, as hard as this is, I hope you fine some comfort in knowing your not alone. Hugs! And sending all the wishes I have for a successful next round.&nbsp;


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I went for an iui and it was unsuccessful. Then the next month I did the trigger shot l, and back to back iuis. It was kinda like my Hail Mary before I was going to embark on IVF. It worked. She is almost two now and I just had number 2 &nbsp;4 months ago.( she was conceived naturally). Don't give up! Just keep your eye on the prize!&nbsp;